Saturday, May 25, 2019

COMMITEE MEETING 26th June at The Bell, Aston Clinton.
Treasurer’s Report to GM May 2019. Planning for 2019-2020 The accounts for this year will run from January 2019 to August 2019. A NEU directive. It is hard to plan a budget for 2020 when we do not have any idea of what the annual income will be. We are in a sound financial situation with legacy balances available. It will be easier to plan from August onwards when we should have a better idea of the new annual income based on the 2019 actual income received. Changes to income already flagged up. 1. Retired members and associate members will no longer pay a local fee. This will not lead to a major budget loss as we did not charge our retired members a fee in recent years. 2. There is no longer an Annual Conference grant which will lead to a loss of around £650 per year. 3. I am told that the District will have to pay pooled costs of the District/Branch Secretary’s briefings. There is no indication yet as to what these costs will be. Annual Conference In 2019 we had 9 NUT section delegates and 2 ATL section delegates to Annual Conference. This is our highest number of delegates to date. Our 2020 budget will need to reflect the large number of delegates attending if this continues. Hotel costs are very high and transport costs keep on increasing. There are new directives to Districts for payment of expenses to conference delegates. In the past we had our own locally agreed guidelines. Buckinghamshire had agreed that we would not pay for car travel, but only for public transport. If members decided to travel by car their rail fare would cover the cost of petrol bought. We did not pay for car parking. Under the future NEU guidelines delegates can claim 0.45p per mile. We would still not pay for car parking. The mileage allowance would help to cover that. In the future we must stick to the NEU directives. This would make a huge difference to our expenditure if all members decided to travel by car. These are the NEU rules regarding acceptable expense claims: Travel • Standard class train journeys can be claimed with receipts which show the amount paid and the class of ticket • Whilst the union would prefer delegates to travel by public transport, mileage can be claimed at 45p per mile. The start-point of the journey, including postcode must be specified Subsistence • Where breakfast is included in the hotel rate, this cannot be claimed • Alcohol can only be claimed with evening meals. (Alcohol is not deemed to be subsistence by HMRC unless purchased with a meal. A guide provided by HMRC as reasonable equates to a couple of alcoholic drinks per person) • These are the maximums that can be claimed. Receipts are required for all claims Breakfast up to £7.60 Lunch up to £10.70 Dinner up to £30

Saturday, May 4, 2019

May 18th 2019. A short general meeting at 10.00 am followed by a training session from 10.30 am. Venue is the Holiday Inn, Aylesbury.